
Back in the saddle

As planned, on Thursday I got back to weaving. Not as many hours as I’d planned – life always intervenes, but still I finally finished HR’s custom baby wrap.

Here’s a shot of how the space-dyed yarn works in her wrap. In hindsight, we might have wanted to choose a variegation with a bit more contrast to the aquamarine.

HR's space dyed wrap

Then I got started on H’s wrap. She wanted zigzags at the beginning and end of her wrap, with a stripe of fuschia. No matter what I did, that fuschia yarn would not show up right in a photo. It is much more vibrant than what’s shown here.

beginning of H's baby wrap

I should be able to finish the weaving of H’s wrap tomorrow.

I’m also working in my garden. After a L…O….N….G winter, it feels so good to be outside and playing in the dirt. Here I’ve cut off all the old stems from my peony bed.
peony bed

Their little pink noses look so happy now!
peony noses

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