
EJ’s Yarn

Today I’ll start measuring the warp for EJ’s wraps. She’s ordered two – one with a natural weft, one with peacock.

Here are what her warp yarns look like before I start. Aren’t they lovely?
warp yarn for EJ's baby wraps

From left to right it’s mauve, mauve pale, lilac, bleu cobalt, bleu moyen, and jeans. Yummy!

As planned, yesterday I measured a warp for my never-used-by-me rigid heddle loom. It’s much larger than the one I bring to shows – maximum width in the reed is about 24″. My neighbor forced it on me at her yard sale for a grand total of $3 – along with the original instruction booklet and some yarns. It’s an Erica loom, made by the Northfield Loom Company in the 70s.

I threaded the loom, tied it up, and experimented. I learned that it is definitely not as good as my lovely LeClerc rigid heddle, which has rachet & pawl brakes on both front & rear beams. The Erica has neither. But it will hold tension.

I also learned that I need to change plans. Although this loom would, at least theoretically, work as a tapestry loom, that’s not what’s going to work for my community weaving project. Takes too much time and skill. Instead, we’re going to do Saori weaving at the community concerts. It’s much more ‘stream of consciousness’ weaving – which colors & fibers move you right now – which makes much more sense to see if the music impacts the choices. It’s also a simple plain weave, which means it will be infinitely easier for people of all ages and skill levels to be successful. I went back to the project narrative I submitted, and find that this change in plan is just fine with what I wrote. So that’s what we’ll be doing. Feels good to have that decision made.

11 comments to EJ’s Yarn

  • Mary MacDougall

    Thanks, Peg, the post with the booklet helps!

  • Mary Mac

    We are “snowed in in Santa Fe, New Mexico!

  • Mary Mac

    I was just gifted with a 25 inch Northfield, which according to my research on the web, is an Erica model. I would appreciate hearing any advice/ experience, such as listed above….are there alternate/additional heddle sizes/ configurations??? or will I just make adjustments myself….I have a 15 inch SCHACT Flip, so this gives me an alternate width ( tho’ less adjustments and conveniences)

    • Peg Cherre

      I don’t really know anything about the Northfield or the Erica, Mary. I was gifted the Erica I mentioned in this post, never really used it, and gave it away. Sorry I can’t be more help.

  • Anna Stclair Rebecca, and Peg Cherre here is the booklet for the Erica

  • Rebecca

    Hi Peg. Thanks for your message. I do have Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom, but I was hoping for specifics on how the apron bars attach to the Erica. I’m happy to say that after a bit more digging I found that someone has posted photos on Flickr. Happy New Year!

  • Rebecca

    Would you consider sharing the instruction booklet for the Erica? I have an Erica and need help figuring out how the apron attaches. And, I’m sure that there’s more good stuff in the booklet, too.

    • Peg Cherre

      Gee, Rebecca, I’d be happy to share it….if I could find it. I had to do a lot of cleaning a few months ago, and I can’t seem to find the booklet now. I doubt I threw it away, but I can’t but my fingers on it. My Erica doesn’t have an apron per se, only some cords and rods. Is yours different? Have you tried Betty Davenport’s Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom book?

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