
Clasping Rainbows

At this time of year I am thinking about 2014, about the shows I’ll apply to and the work I’ll submit with my applications. Most shows want images from the last two years, so I don’t HAVE to take new photos this year for most shows, but I still want to get some new ones.


Sample Wrap Complete

The sample wrap is winging its way to California for my three ‘professional’ moms to test out with their little ones. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say!

What the HECK??!!

As planned, I’m weaving a full size wrap, using Meghan’s colors with a cream weft. When it’s done I’ll cut it off the loom, hem and wet finish it, and send it to Meghan for her and two other moms to test out. They’ll each use it for a week, write down their comments, and […]