
I’m weaving as fast as I can

Because I’d woven 34 towels, placemats, napkins, and runners since January 1 I was WAY far behind in my count on scarves & shawls. Like 2 dozen behind. And since I have no idea how well these linens will sell, that’s a rather nerve-racking place to be.

magic kingdom close

So now I’m weaving as fast as I can. For me that means I’m using some hand painted yarns because the colors do the show in them. I’ve learned that I need to keep my weave patterns simple, so little to no design time. Also, if I used bamboo-cotton, I wouldn’t need to twist the fringe…it’s fine just left plain. I started with some of Tammy‘s bamboo-cotton, in a colorway she calls Magic Kingdom.

I wove two with a solid azure weft and one with a solid forest weft.
handwoven bamboo cotton scarves, Magic Kingdom

When I wove the first azure scarf I thought it was too bright so wove the forest next. I thought it was too dark & went back to the azure. After wet finishing I like them both.

Back to the warping board!

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