My grandson has been having some problems with nightmares lately. My daughter, queen of research, learned that it’s not uncommon at his age. She also learned that the reason that some little ones have nightmares is that they are developing their creative skills. They are now at an age when they can use their imaginations to devise mental scenarios.
Unfortunately, while they can create the stories in their brains, they can’t always stop them. The can turn them on, but don’t yet always have the skills to push the Power Off button. A few quiet minutes with Mama or Papa usually does the trick nicely.
I decided I’d create a dream talisman for the little guy. Something mama can hang over his bed to ward off scary thoughts. I did my homework and determined that, of the gemstones I have, amethyst, rose quartz & smoky quartz were the ones that are effective in providing calming and healing, turning negative energy into positive, and eliminating nightmares. So here’s the talisman I came up with for him.
It’s been a while since I made healing gemstone talisman, and I enjoyed doing it. Next time I’m near Salamanca I’m also going to buy him an authentic Seneca dream catcher, too.
Thanks again! It’s in place, attached to the mobile above his crib.
What a lucky little guy to have you for his Gram!
Awesome talisman!
Thanks, Judy. I’m lucky to have such a swell little guy who’s so close I can visit him regularly, too!
my son suffered from nightmares also. we taught him how to “rewrite” a new ending to his dream that was not scary. at first it was us narrating a new unscary ending and then he started doing it for himself. we also made a dream catcher (not as beautiful as yours)and knowing it was there comforted him at bed time. good luck with your special creative grandson.
Thanks so much for this great idea, Heather! I will definitely pass it on to my daughter for her to consider.
And now you’re in the drawing for my blogiversary giveaway, too!