
Two Faces of R

My kids and I celebrated Easter several weeks late this year, ‘cuz that’s when it worked for all of us. So I got to spend a day & half with my sweet little grandson again. And joy of joys, he was well so I came home well, too!

R is generally a happy little boy. He smiles and laughs easily, is easy-going in general and is interested in everything. He’s started crawling up a storm – watch out now, Mom & Dad!
happy Rusty3

He loves this little footstool, playing it as if it were his conga drum. Those little fingers have also helped pick the piping into a not-so-pretty sight, but he sure doesn’t care.

When you see his papa holding him, you see immediately how much R looks like his dad. Here you can barely see dad in the background.

This little guy is also interesting to me in that he often seems to be lost in thought, sometimes almost a bit worried about something too deep for me to grasp.

Rusty & Baxter

The fact that his dog here is giving him a kiss really doesn’t have a negative impact on that expression – R is just as likely to be laughing and grabbing onto the face fur of his dog.

It’s a pleasure watching this little one grow day by day and week by week. I’ve taken to singing the same little song to him (one that I made up to the tune of K-K-K-Katy) every time I see him and that mom calls me on speakerphone. It won’t be long that when he hears the song over the phone he’ll know it’s Grandma Peg.

Your turn: what’s bringing joy to you?

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