
Snowman Show

I combine efforts with a group of local artists and crafters to hold a holiday show every December. Each year, our marketing efforts are improved, there’s more going on in town, and the crowds get a little better. This year was the best show ever for me, and for some of the others, too. Our little show is held in a church hall. Here are some pictures of our happy customers and our creative sellers.

shopping for bags

Browsing through Meredith's bags

shopping for soaps

Checking out Kristen's many soaps

pottery and carvings

Elaine's pottery & Bob's carvings

calendars are funny

Margaret's calendars are really funny

shopping for jewelry

Perusing my jewelry

shopping for needlework

Joan's happy to talk about her needlework

Amazingly, I never shot anyone looking at my weaving, or at Kay’s pottery. How did I miss that?!

So why is it the Snowman Show? This little guy is our logo.
snowman logo

We’re already planning our 2 shows for 2012 – Mother’s Day weekend and the 2nd weekend in December.

On a completely different note – my spacebar is intermittently failing. What a pain! How should I clean it to make it work all the time?

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