
Rayon and Bamboo Scarves

I had to pick up and pack the rental van this morning to head to the next show, and I didn’t stop weaving till 8:00PM last night. After that I pressed all the scarves I’ve woven in the last two weeks, measured a mohair warp for my rigid heddle, and wound that warp on the back beam. This morning I still have to finish threading that loom and tie on to the cloth beam, and label the 18 finished pieces.

18 finished pieces?! All made since August 29 – 11 days ago?! I can hardly believe it myself. I have been B-U-S-Y! My back is really glad that today is the last day of that craziness. It’s tired of sitting at the loom for hours on end.

As promised, here are more finished scarves.
handwoven tencel scarves, visionary

I wove these three scarves with Tencel rayon hand painted by Tammy. I used her Visionary colorway for the warp for all three, with a different weft for each. All have Bronson lace along the borders. On the left I used the same hand painted yarn as weft; in the middle is a solid deep purple rayon, and on the right is another of Tammy’s yarns, this time Silver Linings. The colors are more alive in person than they are in this photo.

Next I wove three more rayon scarves. The weft is a variegated boucle in red, purple, and blue.
handwoven scarves, rayon, mardi gras
Interestingly, I think the picture of these three scarves looks ‘cleaner’ than the scarves themselves; that’s the opposite of usual. Although the colors were crisp on the loom, they got rather muddy when wet finished.

Anyway, the first two have a solid red rayon boucle weft, one in a diamond pattern and one in a wave twill. The third has a solid purple rayon weft in diamonds. Because my purple rayon was much lighter weight, I used my double shuttle and threw two strands of rayon at once. I liked it better on the loom than off, when that purple really predominates.

The last scarves in this post (hopefully I’ll have time to post the last new scarves this weekend) are hand painted bamboo.
handwoven bamboo scarves, blue violets
This is a colorway Tammy calls Blue Violets. I just love it. I’ve used this colorway in bamboo, rayon, and rayon chenille, and think it turns out gorgeous in all of them. I wove two scarves with a diamond twill, one with twill waves. I think it’s odd that the scarf on the right is so much darker than the one on the left; it’s not just the photo – they’re like that in real life, too. Weird.

Gotta get in that van right now – check back for the last five scarves.

Hoping you’re not in the midst of either flooding or fire!

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