
Baby, baby, can’t you hear my heart beat

Way back in the dark ages, 1965 to be exact, Herman’s Hermits released a hit with the memorable lyrics of this blog title. It strikes me as just right for this post.

After much consideration, I decided that my to-be-grandson needed one of my handwoven hearts baby blankets. To make his even more special, I embroidered his initials in one corner of the binding.
baby initials on blanket

Now I just need to go modify my website to make the blue blanket no longer available.

I also made two hats.
2 baby hats

On the left is an adorable little crocheted baseball cap that one of my volunteers showed me. You can get the pattern free at crochetville. I must say, I think my crochet gauge is a bit off; I really think the cap my volunteer made was a bit bigger than mine is. If I were going to make it again, I’d add at least one more round before I did the brim.

On the right is a regular old knitted cap, in a tiny size, made with the same yarn I used for those baby socks back in February. I’m sure I got this pattern free online, too, I just don’t remember which one I used.

I think both the caps are sweet. They remind me just how tiny babies really are. These hats will likely fit him for about 10 minutes before he’s too big for them.

I got to pass these on to my daughter at her baby shower, which we held at Hurd Orchards. Such a gorgeous location, such great food, such pleasant people.
Hurd Orchards decorations

She got lots of other swell gifts, too, some of which I’d never heard of before. Times sure have changed since I had my babies! 🙂

Your turn: Have you shopped for baby things lately? Found anything surprising?

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