
The Final Four

I have only 1 day left to complete the V7N photo scavenger hunt. I decided I was letting the acceptable slip in search of the elusive great, so here are my final four acceptable interpretations.
unbaked bread
A few weeks ago I made a challah, just in case I needed a photo for bread. It wasn’t my best bread, as it stayed in the oven a few minutes too long so was a bit too dry. Oh well.

school bus
My sweetie drove a school bus for a dozen years or so, so I know exactly how important, and challenging, that service is. Out here in the sticks, kids from kindergarten through high school seniors are on the same bus, for upwards of an hour and a half a day. Try controlling the chaos in that situation. He managed to excel, doing it in a way so that he was the bus driver everyone wanted to have.

I am not a woman who visits the graves of my family in cemeteries. I do, however, stop by one near my house on occasion to appreciate its beauty. I always gain a sense of calm, of peace, when I’m there wandering among the stones or sitting under a tree.

I shot these three deer in my yard, only about 30 feet from the house, munching on grass and leaves. I can only imagine that to them, life seems rather random. Which of their fawns will survive its infancy, which be taken by predators? Which adults will be killed on the road, or in the fall by hunters, or starve during a hard winter? Which weird lady will let them eat whatever they want in her yard, which chase them away with her shouts or let her dogs out?

Whew. Glad I’m done. I have GOT to get back to weaving, and to updating my website. But right now, I’ve got to go substitute teach for a high school technology class. 😉

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