
Scavenger Hunt Continues

As I move through my daily travels, I continue to look for things that will fit into the V7N photographic scavenger hunt. Here are several.

We had a few beautiful, warm, sunny, spring days this weekend, so I was able to get outside and do the spring cleanup in two of my garden patches. One of them was the peony bed. Those peonies stick their noses up out of the ground while there are still mounds of snow just a few feet away. Their pinkness is always such a welcome site, reminding me of what I love about spring – seeing new life emerge.

While I was cleaning that peony bed, this bumblebee climbed up out of his winter hole. These guys have always fascinated me. They look like what I think of as the quintessential bee, with just the right ratio of yellow to black, and those great wings. Bumblebees tend to be solitary, and to be gentle giants, moving slowly and carefully through their lives without bothering anyone.

bumblebee eye
I couldn’t resist taking another close up of the bumblebee when he turned around. I’m glad I don’t have to make sense of the world while looking through his multi-lens eyes.

wood: exfoliating bark
About a decade ago I spent a chunk of change and had a Heritage River Birch planted in my yard to replace a tree that had died. Getting this tree has been a decision I’ve not regretted for an instant. I love its graceful branches and the dappled shade it makes during the summer, but mostly, I love its exfoliating bark. The multi-layered, multi-colored beauty of this tree grows with each year.

Your turn: what have you focused on lately?

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