
Roycroft Renaissance Artisan

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I am prouder than proud. I was accepted to be one of an elite group of artisans, the Roycroft Renaissance Artisans.

Many people know that Elbert Hubbard was very influential in the promotion of the Arts & Crafts Movement. As a way to create a geographic home for the American artists and craftspeople mastering their creative forms, Hubbard founded the Roycroft community in East Aurora, NY in the late 1800s.

Almost 80 years later, in 1976, a group of dedicated people formed the Roycrofters-At-Large Association (RALA). Since then RALA has accepted applications from artists and crafters who have both shown a level of skill in their field and are committed to continued growth. The application process includes slides, actual work samples, and written information.

As I said, I am extremely proud to be able to call myself a Roycroft Renaissance Artisan! I was just noticed a few days ago, and am amazed that they’ve already updated their website to include me along with the other paper, fiber, & weaving Artisans. I will definitely be participating in their summer show, and probably the winter show, as well. You can find details on the RALA website or on mine.

To maintain my standing, I will be juried each year for the next five years, demonstrating that I’m expanding my weaving skills, using new techniques, new fibers, creating new designs. I gratefully accept this challenge.

I really need to make some changes to my website now, minimizing the jewelry (I was only juried on my weaving) and putting the logo on each of my weaving pages!

Your turn: who recognizes the value of your work?

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