
Handwoven Hearts Baby Blankets, p2

I’ve finished weaving the baby blanket with the pink hearts…
handwoven baby blankets, pink hearts

…and started an aqua one.
handwoven baby blankets, aqua hearts

Liz asked for the draft, which I’m happy to provide. I’m actually showing three similar but different tie up and treadling patterns, with the threading the same simple point twill for each.

The first draft is how I designed it, requiring 12 treadles, if, like me, you want to do several rows of plain weave on at the beginning and end where the binding will cover.
hearts, draft 1

In the above draft, the tie up for treadles 3 & 9 is identical, as is the tie up for treadles 6 & 7. So if, like me, you only have 10 treadles, you can tie up your loom like this, once, and never have to change the tie up.
hearts, draft 3

While the above draft makes the most sense to avoid changing tie up at the beginning and end of each blanket, it requires the most complex treadling, so it isn’t what I decided to do. I used the following draft.
hearts, draft 2
Using this draft is the easiest treadling for me, and I simply change the tie up on treadle 9 when I need to do the area of plain weave. I did use floating selvedges.

I used a 5/2 pearl cotton for my baby blankets, sett at 16 ends per inch. Obviously, I haven’t yet taken these off the loom to wet finish, but believe they’ll be nice and soft and flexible next to baby’s skin.

When the fourth is woven (blue), they’re wet finished and bound, I’ll show you another picture of the four of them.

Your turn: got any weaving patterns you particularly like that you care to share? Or ideas for other patterns I should try to develop?

15 comments to Handwoven Hearts Baby Blankets, p2

  • Diane Severns

    This heart pattern is beautiful. How would i warp it if i want to do it in double weave to get a wider blanket on my 26 inch weaving width baby wolf. I have done double weave in classes but just have never been able to figure out how to do it myself.

  • K Lewis

    Thank you for sharing this pattern – I love the aqua color scheme and look forward to trying ths out!

  • […] to the effort, even though it won’t really take any extra effort on your part. Related BlogsHandwoven Hearts Baby Blankets, p2 « Weaving A Gem Of A Life Incoming search […]

  • […] Handwoven Hearts Baby Blankets, p2 « Weaving A Gem Of A Life Handwoven Hearts Baby Blankets p2 « Weaving A Gem Of A Life Using this draft is the easiest treadling for me, and I simply change the tie up on treadle 9 when I need to do the area of plain weave. I did use floating selvedges. […]

  • […] Handwoven Hearts Baby Blankets, p2 « Weaving A Gem Of A Life Using this draft is the easiest treadling for me, and I simply change the tie up on treadle 9 when I need to do the area of plain weave. I did use floating selvedges. I used a 5/2 pearl cotton for my baby blankets sett at 16 ends per . […]

  • […] Hearts, and More Hearts After I finished making those 4 lovely heart patterned handwoven baby blankets, there was a still a bunch of warp left on the loom. I thought I had enough length to make two […]

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Margaret. I, too, will like to see all four of them together!

    I started weaving baby blankets before I had any inkling of a grandchild, Liz. Although I do sell mine, if you’re wanting to weave them but don’t have a place for them to go, I’m POSITIVE that your local hospital, or women’s shelter, or foster care agency, or similar, would LOVE to receive them as donations.

  • Thanks so much for sharing your drafts.

    I will be watching to see the finished photos after binding and wet finishing.

    These are just darling and would be so wonderful if I ever actually get lucky enough to have Grandchildren.

  • Can’t wait to see photos of all 4. The pattern is really charming; who wouldn’t fall in love with one of these blankies?

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