
Twinkling Gems Scarves

I finished the rayon chenille scarves I put on the loom last week. I’ve already told you that I love gemstone colors, so it’s no surprise that I think these scarves are gorgeous.

I wove both scarves on the same variegated warp, a hand painted yarn that Tammy calls Twinkle. For the scarf on the right I used a solid electric blue weft that Tammy dyed for me to coordinate. On the left, I used a black weft, adding a a few strands of black at each selvedge and between the solid blue and the variegated warp threads.

I can’t pick which one I like better – I find them both really pleasing. It’s clear that the one with the black weft pops the color more, but the blue weft is stunning, too.

All I need to do now is find time to get these, the black rayon chenille, and the white and eggshell bamboo scarves I finished a few weeks ago up on my website. Doing the updating has been on my to-do list for weeks now. I’ll get to it soon!
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