
Napkin Exchange

Tick tock says the clock.

Where DOES the time go?

Back in my new year’s wannas, I mentioned that I’ve joined a napkin exchange as a way to expand my weaving skills. I said I’d tell more about that later, and intended to return to the topic within a week. Well here it is more than 2 weeks later, and I suddenly realized that if I didn’t do it now, it’d be too late.

I’ll start by saying that I’ve thought about it, but never joined a group like this before, so I’m excited about it. I have complete confidence that Su Butler, an amazingly talented, experienced weaver, will lead this activity with her usual level of organization, skill, and kindness. In fact, she’s already answered several of my questions since I signed up. You can get all the details about the napkin exchange here.

Do it now – although you don’t have to mail your napkins until October, the sign up ends in just a week.

I plan to weave in cotton, but I haven’t yet decided if I’ll do a shadow weave, summer & winter, or something else. All I know for sure is that I want to explore a weave structure and/or pattern I’ve not done yet. And I plan to do an 8-shaft weave. I’m getting used to my Macomber and want to spend more time on it.
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3 comments to Napkin Exchange

  • Kathy

    I’m with you! I’m not entering a group, but I’m finally used to my 8-shaft Macomber & ready to try more than 4 shafts on it. First up–pinwheel–I think on a table runner or centerpiece.

    • Peg Cherre

      The pinwheel design is certainly intriguing, Kathy. What colors are you planning to use? I’d love to post a photo of it, in progress and/or finished piece.

      FYI, because I also have a 4-harness counterbalance loom, I never use my Mac if I only plan to use 4 harnesses. Although I find the noise of this loom (vs. my quiet counterbalance) disconcerting, my biggest problem is my short little legs. (I’m 5’2″) If I need to use all 10 treadles, it’s really a reach for me.

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