
Gettin’ the job done

application forms

When I said,”Maybe tomorrow…” at the end of my last post, I thought I was being sarcastic. But when I got up this morning, I said, “Hey, there’s no time like the present. Get those applications done!”

I sat down at my kitchen table with the paper applications, a pen, my checkbook, and my computer and got to work. It took 3 hours to get get 3 applications complete. Nothing is hard, it’s just time consuming. Every show wants their jury photos in a slightly different size, wants them labeled in a particular way, and wants them submitted in a specific format. There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s important to follow their directions if I want to be seriously considered. Even though I think it’s a real mistake to show the jury photos that are only 150 dpi, since that’s the max one show allowed, that’s what they got.

One of the shows wanted me to mail them a CD with the images, the other two required online submissions. Actually, I prefer the online submissions, since I don’t have to worry about a CD getting broken in transit, but high quality images are about 2megs each, and each application requires 4 or 5 images. As I’ve said, my rural version of high speed isn’t really all that high. However, it’s still about a million times better than my old dial up connection – I wouldn’t even have attempted sending multiple large images before August. So once again, sure glad I have that little dish on my porch roof.

I brought the 3 applications, with their required forms and checks, out to my mailbox at noon to be sure the mailman would pick them up today, and took a brisk walk with my little dog in the mid-day sunshine. (Boy, that wind was cold on my face!)

I’d already submitted one application a few weeks ago. I have one more on my table waiting for me, and two more shows that don’t yet have their apps available. Plus two small shows many months away; their apps won’t be out for months.

I’m happy with myself that I got so much done. I WILL finish that last available app before the day’s out!

Your turn: did you get your nose to the grindstone today?
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