
Beet Soup

Although it felt too weird to take pictures of the soup when my friends were here, I had some beet soup left over, so took a shot when I ate it a few days later.
beet soup
It was delicious! I’d love to give you the recipe, but I sort of mushed two recipes together, made some other modifications, and didn’t really measure most things, so the best I can do is guesstimate amounts.

Saute 1 chopped sweet onion in about 2 TBS olive oil for about 5 minutes. Stir in about 1 pound each chopped beets and carrots. Saute for about 5 more minutes. Add about 1 cup chicken stock, cover, reduce heat, simmer for about 10 minutes.

Add 3 more cups chicken stock, about 1 cup water, about 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger, juice of 1/2 lemon. Simmer covered until all veggies are cooked.

Puree the veggies in small batches. At this point, I thought the soup needed something, so I pureed a Granny Smith apple with the veggies (cored, but unpeeled). Add more freshly grated ginger & lemon juice to taste.

Heat gently. Put 1 rounded teaspoon plain Greek yogurt in each bowl, stir gently to soften & mostly mix in. Eat & enjoy!

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