
More Orange Cashmere Scarves

As planned, I tried preparing a warp for three scarves using two cones at a time to measure it.

I was THRILLED!!! The warp went on the loom like a charm! Not a glitch, not a hitch, not a problem for the 8.5 yard length! It was as easy as beaming the bamboo, the rayon, or the cotton. This will definitely make my life easier, and make weaving these lighter-than-air scarves more time efficient.

Here are the handwoven orange cashmere silk scarves I made with that warp.
handwoven orange cashmere silk scarves
I wove two like the one on the left, with three strips of huck lace. They are lovely; next time I’ll weave them a tiny bit tighter to make them a tad more stable. On the right is, of course, a plain weave. I like that one, too.

In addition to showing off my handwoven scarves, this picture also meets Carmi’s orange challenge.

Your turn – anything orange in your life?

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