
Latest Handwoven Rayon Scarves

This is the last batch of scarves woven before my show this weekend.
handwoven rayon scarves, Pond
These scarves are made from handpainted Tencel rayon in a color blend called Pond. The top scarf has the same variegated weft and warp, and I wove it in a tabby weave.

For the next two scarves I used a solid dark green weft over that variegated warp. It’s amazing to me how much different the overall look is — much more muted. The bottom scarf is the one I thought I’d like best with its diamond twill. But in reality, I like the middle point twill the best. I think it shows the natural sheen of that rayon the best, and the weaving pattern also shows up well.

Although I don’t have time to weave anything else before the show, I’m busy in my mind, planning some more table linens — some for the 8-harness Macomber and some for the 4-harness counterbalance loom.

Your turn: what’s the sweetest green in your life right now?

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