
Busy as a…bee?

I haven’t been able to post much lately because I’ve been really busy. That’s actually the good news. The Elmwood Avenue Art Festival was wonderful for me, despite a downpour Saturday morning, high winds that afternoon, and periodic rain on Sunday. I sold several of my handwoven scarves, a baby blanket, and a shawl that weekend, plus lots of jewelry. As a result, I’ve now got to be busy, busy, busy getting ready for my next show, the Harvest Craft Festival in Amherst, NY. I’ll just have my weaving there, so I’m measuring warp, dressing the loom, weaving, and wet finishing as fast as I can in preparation. (Actually, I’ll be demonstrating weaving Brook’s Bouquet on my little rigid heddle loom at this show. Stop by and take a look!) I took a week off from my job at Pfeiffer Nature Center to give me a bit more time. But it won’t be enough – the week after the Harvest Craft Festival I’m at Quaker Arts Festival in Orchard Park with both my handweaving and my jewelry.

Actually, this is all good news. Sure, I’m busy, but that is, after all, the point of having this business making things I love.

huck-lace-scarfSo what was the hot weaving item at Elmwood? I sold all three lace scarves I had, and got orders for three more. I had two other orders prior to leaving, so I really need to make lace. I just received the 5 colors of 10/2 pearl cotton I ordered for them. I’m so glad I figured out how to do make handwoven lace on my little counterbalance loom!

gold-bamboo-handwoven-scarvesAfter the lace, the fine gauge bamboo scarves drew lots of attention. They are so silky looking and feeling that people can’t resist touching them. I also received 3 colors of bamboo I ordered for more of these graceful beauties. So I’m alternating weaving lace and weaving bamboo for the next week.

As you’ll learn in my next post, I’m still not as busy as a bee. Stayed tuned and you’ll see why!

1 comment to Busy as a…bee?

  • lynette ambruch

    congratulations on your success at the show despite the rain. that is wonderful. the earrings are fantastic, i love the idea of the planet with the star….very cool.
    peace and perennials
    lynette ambruch

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