
March is a lion so far

I’m betting young people have no knowledge of that old saw – March either comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, or comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion.

Although I honestly don’t remember exactly what the weather was like for the first few days […]

Autumn joy?

Cornus kousa dogwood leaves and fruits in Autumn

If your life is like mine, Autumn brings beauty – gorgeous fall colors, crisp temperatures, beautiful sunrises and sunsets. It also brings some not-so-pleasant things. In this case, I’m referring to some serious family challenges. Thankfully, I have support from many quarters, which makes the […]

On learning…

…that sometimes the sky looks like the sea.

…that putting blog posting near the bottom of the priority list means it’s almost a month since I last posted!

…that you can’t just grab things off the internet, even when you’re attempting to promote someone else. (#1-details below)

…that taking classes always leads to […]

Hawks and Hugs

Before we start talking about weaving, I have to share info and pix about nature. Apparently not an uncommon occurrence, especially during migration season, I have never witnesses a ‘kettle’ of hawks before. And it was completely by accident that I saw this group on Sunday. I just happened to go outside and look up.


Knitting & nature

Yes, it’s now a bit over a week after Christmas, but I can’t yet share the photos of the gifts I made. I’ll be visiting a friend who will receive one this coming weekend, and can post all the photos after that.

Meanwhile, I was totally inspired by last month’s Evening Meeting of the Weavers’ […]