
New Year Looms, 2015

Every year Meg suggests that weavers post photos of their looms as they sit on New Year’s Day. I’ve played this little game for a few years now. Unlike Meg, who took some really cool, artsy-type shots of her looms this year, mine pix are very straightforward.

From smallest to largest:

rigid heddle loom, 1-1-15

My LeClerc rigid heddle loom. Here set up to do a log cabin weave in purple & white rayon. I think I only wove 2 scarves on it this year, but my little RH loom got to enjoy different sights, sounds, and people this year for the community weaving project.

Missouri loom, 1-1-15

My Missouri loom, covered with a sheet in my attic. Didn’t weave on her this year at all. I bought this loom specifically for something I could bring to workshops & weaving classes, but didn’t take any. If that continues to be true for me 12 months after I move to Rochester, I’ll sell this loom with no hard feelings.

counterbalance loom, 1-1-15

My sweet little counterbalance loom, here with the leftover warp from the scarves I wove for my son and son-in-law for Christmas. (Oh, yeah, I promised to show you the gifts I made for adults this year. Soon, very soon.) Far and away my best weaving friend for years, this honey saw only a little use this year, since I mostly was weaving baby wraps. I can’t believe I’m even thinking this, but if the ‘right’ loom falls into my lap (I’m waiting for the universe to bring me to a 12+ shaft production loom), I will sell this sweetie. But only to someone who will give her a good home.

Macomber loom, 1-1-15

Last and largest – although still small in comparison to many floor looms – my 8H Macomber. We’ve become good friends in the past year. Really good friends. I can now dance with my Mac treadles in a way I couldn’t a year ago. She’s brought me lots of income and I’ve tried to treat her well.

Now go visit Meg’s post, then stop by the other weavers who’ve also posted. (Some have direct links at the end of Meg’s post, you can find even more in the comments.)

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! May 2015 bring you happiness and health.

1 comment to New Year Looms, 2015

  • Meg

    Because said Meg’s work spaces are so so so untidy and crammed and messy I can only show close-ups, Peg. I’ve been enjoying your heart-themed blankets. Lovely. And different colors convey such different moods. Looking forward to seeing what you weave this year. Have a wonderful year, Peg.

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