
Towel Exchange Follow Up

I just realized that although I showed you the towels I made for the exchange, I never showed you the terrific towels I got back. I’m always impressed with the work of other weavers. I’d like to honor them by giving their names, but I’ve decided that I can only responsibly do so when the weaver is online with more than email. Unfortunately, I can’t find any of them in the blogosphere or with a website, and I don’t facebook, so I’ve had to omit all they’re names.

This weaver used an Ms & Os profile draft for her 4-shaft loom. I’ve never seen Ms & Os in person before, so was glad to get this real-life version.
blue & brown towel

I’m surprised by the variety of structures people come up with for two shafts. I tend to think more of color and weave effects or hand manipulation rather than creative patterns like this one.
2 shaft blue & white towel

This weaver not only sent along the required draft, but also a little bio….and a photo! How sweet was that?! Her towel is a simple rosepath threading with three treadling patterns repeated.
purple & white towel

You know, the traditional checks of the towels above and below are so appealing, I wish I’d chosen something more like this than the pattern I did chose. There’s always next time.

This sweet green & white towel is the only one woven on 8 shafts. It looks deceptively simple. And lovely. I might have to try and work up a similar design on my 4 shaft loom. Just ‘cuz I love the loom so much.
green & white towel

Here’s another towel that opened my eyes. I would have told you that crackle weave doesn’t appeal to me, but then I saw this towel. I think this is beautiful! And since the darker color is colorgrown cotton, it will only deepen with repeated washing.
two neutrals towel

In keeping with the simple pictures are best lesson I try again and again to learn, I think this is my favorite towel.
oatmeal cords towel
The weaver said that she broke her foot just before starting the towels, so she searched for a pattern that would be easy to treadle with one foot. She also decided she’d weave with a thicker thread than usual so she didn’t have to be in front of the loom for so long with her bum leg, so made a hand towel instead of a kitchen towel. You’d never know that she had to make any comprimises by the richness of this towel.

One of the weavers also sent along this sweet little warp rep mug rug. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep it with the towel and now I don’t know who it was.
mug rug

Yay to weavers in the towel exchange! If you’re jealous, you can sign up now for next year’s exchange.

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