
Russian Sage

Russian sage and bee

Russian sage wasn’t the easiest thing to grow in my garden. No idea why, but it stood still for years before it finally decided to amount to something. I like it for its late summer color and its wispiness. It’s also a favorite of bees – generally big bumblebees this year. I haven’t paid enough attention over the years to notice if it’s always the bumbles, or if there’s a dearth of honeybees this year. I do know I have way fewer honeybees at my house this year, since the bee man did his work last fall removing them and early this spring sealing up my house.

Carmi’s photographic challenge of the week is blue. Although this photo shows more of the empty lavender flower casings than the delicate blue petals of the Russian sage, I like the way the transparency of the bee’s wings are captured here.

Your turn: Bees are critical to our food supply; are they healthy near you?

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