
Acorn & Honey Bamboo Stripes

In addition to those gorgeous handwoven cashmere and silk scarves, I also wove this set of three striped scarves.
handwoven scarves-brown stripes

Woven from 100% bamboo yarn, these scarves share the same warp – randomly spaced stripes of ivory, honey, gold, and navy blue. Two of the scarves, at left and on top, have a solid acorn weft, while the third has a solid honey weft.

I tried something different with the scarf on the left. It begins with narrow stripes of zigzag twill, with the width of those stripes gradually increasing to the middle of the scarf, then reducing back down to narrow. I realize you can’t see it all in this photo. I was an interesting idea that worked better visually in my head than it did in real life, so I won’t be doing it again.

At the top is actually my favorite in this batch – a simple tabby weave with acorn weft. On the right is a simple 2/2 advancing twill weave with a solid honey weft.

As always, I love how the bamboo drapes and shines.

Stay tuned to see what else I’ve made between posts……

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